Design meets tech at Herald workshop
Herald Corp., incollaboration with Seoul Design Foundation, is hosting the Herald Design Techworkshop with the aims of bringing together and fostering rising talent in theareas of design and technology.
During the program, which will take place from mid-September through November,participating designers and engineers will be grouped into teams and worktogether to plan and create a marketable product. Experts in related fieldswill be available to consult on the projects’ progress.
Herald Design Tech will also offer support for the marketization anddistribution of the completed products, which will be exhibited to the publicat Dongdaemun Design Plaza on Dec. 3.
“Convergencebetween design and technology is more necessary than ever in today’s societywhere we place a great importance on both the functions and the aesthetics of aproduct,” said Lee Young-man, CEO of Herald Corp., at a preview event for theworkshop Thursday at Herald Square.
“However, such integration is still wanting in Korea. Herald Corp. seeks toprovide a platform where designers and engineers can meet, communicate andcollaborate.”
At the preview event, a handful of experts -- ranging from professors offashion design and mechanical engineering to venture entrepreneurs -- cametogether to discuss the merging of design and technology, fostering talent inrelated areas and future models for innovation.
“The previous model of closed innovation, where each area achieves independentspecialization, is no longer competitive,” said Lee Min-hwa, director of theKorea Creative Economy Research Network. “We need to encourage open innovation,where each area not only maximizes its expertise but also merges with otherareas.”
Those eligible for participation at the Herald Design Tech workshop includestart-up entrepreneurs, students majoring in design and engineering, and thoseworking in related fields, with a focus on students and up-and-coming designerswho are in need of technological support.
Submissions will be accepted from Aug. 31-Sept. 11. For details, call (02)727-0048 or email
By Rumy Doo
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